Renewing Your Awe

What happened to us? When did we lose our sense of wonder and amazement like back when we were children? If you look at a child or even a young kitten or puppy, everything is new and fascinating, there are sights, sounds and smells that entice us and astound us. Now that we are older and too busy to stop and smell the roses, we tend to miss out on all of the great things that are out there. Those of you who walk a dog, or have small children, you may have an idea what we are referring to.

When you are outside, do you ever take a moment to stop to appreciate the sun as it warms you, the way the breeze flows by? Have you ever noticed a butterfly as it flutters around, or listen to the birds singing?

When is the last time you went into a shop that sold incense, or body scents, or soaps? Have you paused to give them a sniff? Imagine you have your own private little garden or spice collection, what would you want?

How does food taste to you? Not just the five flavors, but the texture, the smell, how it makes you feel. What are some different types of chocolate that you can think of? What about fresh vegetables or fruits? What are different ways that you can imagine preparing your foods? What are some of the foods that you would consider “comfort foods”? Why is that? What makes it so special to you? The next time you have one of your favorite foods or snacks, try to capture what feelings you are having and store them so next time you are feeling down, you can recall that sensation.

Is there anything more contagious that a child’s laugh? Can you honestly say that it didn’t bring a smile to your own face or even a giggle? What is a silly thing that you can think of that just cracks you up? One of our favorites is the absurd idea of a farting bunny. Imagine you have this little, fluffy bunny rabbit that after its second hop, it farts just a little so that it hops a tiny bit higher. Hop, hop, pbbtt. Hop, hop, pbbtt. It is so silly that it makes you laugh, huh?

Find what brings a little joy into your life that you may have forgotten or stopped paying attention to, and keep it handy when the frowns start to come.

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