Looking through the eyes of a child/the wonder of nature.

What happened to us? When did we lose our sense of wonder and amazement like back when we were children? If you look at a child or even a young kitten or puppy, everything is new and fascinating, there are sights, sounds and smells that entice us and astound us.

Now that we are older and too busy to stop and smell the proverbial roses, we tend to miss out on all of the great things that are out there. Those of you who walk a dog, or have small children you may have an idea what we are referring to. Things like stopping to appreciate the sun as it warms you, watching a butterfly as it flutters around, birds and their various songs to name just a few.

When is the last time you went into a shop that sold incense, or body scents, or soaps? Have you paused to give them a sniff? Imagine you have your own private little garden or spice collection, what would you want?

How does food taste to you? Not just the five flavors, but the texture, the smell, how it makes you feel. What are some different types of chocolate that you can think of? What about fresh vegetables or fruits? What are different ways that you can imagine preparing your foods?

FInd what brings you back to that moment of wonder and the joy of discovery. Embrace it, cherish it and share it with a friend. The time that you spend with your inner child is time well spent.

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